Kilojoule/hour to Watt conversion table
Kilojoule/hour | Watt (W) |
1 | 0.2777777778 |
50 | 13.88888889 |
100 | 27.77777778 |
150 | 41.66666667 |
200 | 55.55555556 |
250 | 69.44444444 |
300 | 83.33333333 |
350 | 97.22222222 |
400 | 111.1111111 |
500 | 138.8888889 |
How to convert Kilojoule/hour to Watt
1 kilojoule/hour = 0.2777777778 watt (W)
1 watt (W) = 3.6 kilojoules/hour (kJ/h)
Example: Convert 200 kilojoules/hour to watts
200 × 0.2777777778 = 55.55555556 watts (W).