Kilojoule/hour to Megawatt Converter

Kilojoule/hour to Megawatt conversion table

Kilojoule/hour Megawatt (MW)
1 2.777777777E-7
50 0.0000138889
100 0.0000277778
150 0.0000416667
200 0.0000555556
250 0.0000694444
300 0.0000833333
350 0.0000972222
400 0.0001111111
500 0.0001388889

How to convert Kilojoule/hour to Megawatt

1 kilojoule/hour = 2.777777777E-7 megawatt (MW)

1 megawatt (MW) = 3,600,000 kilojoule/hour

Example: Convert 200 kilojoules/hour to megawatts

200 × 2.777777777E-7 = 0.00005555555 megawatt (MW).

Convert Kilojoule/hour to other power units